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By Luiz Mingoranci Jr.


For many years, we lived in a world where borders gradually tore down. We have lived the Euro Zone, the Mercosur, the possibility to come and go, to invest and endeavor in a world where barriers were breaking down.

And all of a sudden, abruptly and unexpectedly, we all have been forced to refrain and deprive ourselves. All that had been torn down, rose again. Quickly and unchangeably.

Borders were closed, as no one was prepared for a pandemic.

Besides it, the Brazilian economy has gone through tough times since the 2008 world crisis, experiencing political turmoil that has inevitably led to economic downturn. As a result, although the Brazilians are generous, community based organizations (non-governmental / not-for-profit) have been extremely affected. And funding has become a hard mission to accomplish.

Funding abroad is yet a low explored attempt to manage crisis in the Third Sector in Brazil. Canada, though, appears as a good source.

Whereas the economic indicators in Canada and Brazil look almost alike (the former ranking 9th and the latter ranking 12th in the world largest economies), the human development index has shown dramatic contrast. In 2020, Canada ranked 16th while Brazil ranked a souring 84th position at the UN – HDI.

The figures above also show the Canadian capacity to support initiatives in other countries as well as the need and potential in Brazil to invest in the Third Sector.

However, due to lack of knowledge in how to raise funds abroad, the vast majority of Brazilian civil-society organizations do not benefit from Canadian initiatives.

In fact, this is not an easy task. Besides having to speak at least one foreign language, some bureaucratic aspects may frighten. Funding is not impossible, though. And there are plenty of options.

For example, applications are now open for the annual call for proposals for the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) where small-scale, high-impact projects will be supported. Projects will be selected and approved by the Canadian Embassy and the Brazilian non-profit entities will have available an average value of CAD $30,000.00 for projects to be completed by February 28, 2023.

To apply for funding, the interested party must fill in the form at the link: https://forms.gle/5UreX4cYFrCuWixm9, and it is possible to fill it out in Portuguese.

The timeline for submission of concept notes is January 5, 2022 through January 18, 2022 at 23:59.       

Good luck to all, because fostering relationship, paving ways and cooperating with Brazilian not-for-profit organizations to meet Canadian fundings willing to invest in Brazilian causes, whether environmental or social, is a subject to be considered and executed by all of us every day.


Human Development Report 2020, ONU obtido em:  http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/hdr2020.pdf

Dados investimento CFLI: https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/funding-financement/cfli-fcil/2020/brazil-bresil.aspx?lang=eng

Investimento do Governo Canadense pelo mundo: https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/funding-financement/funding_development_projects- financement_projets_developpement.aspx?lang=eng