By Selma Ottonicar
Information and communication technologies have evolved rapidly with the aim of improving people’s lives. Nowadays, some scholars have argued that we are going through a 4th Industrial Revolution, which is also known as Industry 4.0.
The expression “Industry 4.0” first appeared in Germany at a conference, and from this date on started to attract the attention of entrepreneurs, researchers, and society due to the changes this revolution is causing in our lives.
Industry 4.0 is understood as the connection of technologies that exchange data with each other. Thus, the connected technology provides useful information so that managers can make more assertive decisions. Have you heard about the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing and Augmented Reality?
The connection between these technologies, people and biological elements is understood as Industry 4.0. In this context, startups gain strength because in this innovation there is a vast market of business opportunities and growth. However, these technologies generate a massive production of data and information that needs to be accessed and filtered.
It is difficult to find the information we need and analyze it according to the needs of organizations. Therefore, we need to develop competence in information through personal, professional, and social experiences. Competence in information is something we learn throughout life through the access to information.
“Well-analyzed information is essential for us to innovate according to the needs of customers and the ethical aspects of our society”.
Learning how to seek information and always check its veracity is the key to make assertive decisions. Well-analyzed information is essential for us to innovate according to the needs of customers and the ethical aspects of our society.
To assess the quality of information, managers, professionals, and society need to analyze the reliability of the sources. One of the strategies to overcome this challenge is to check the source of the information. Who wrote this text? Was any author recognized in this field? Was it the Government itself? Some researcher? Was it on a Blog? Was it a Bot?
Thus, competence in information encourages us to investigate more. Is this information reliable? Search for knowledge through books, websites, social networks and, above all, with specialists who can help you check if the information is reliable.
We can count on information literacy as mean to learn from quality information and to be more careful with fake news. This way managers and professionals of companies and startups are able to make assertive decisions and innovate, contributing to the organization’s competitiveness.
In order to be able to overcome fake news we need to have an investigative profile, always looking for alternative sources of information. We cannot rely on the first idea we have learned but seek different perspectives and visions to be able to prepare the business for the future.
Selma Ottonicar is a Business Development Team Leader and Marketing Analyst at Federation of Canadian-Brazilian Business. Ph.D. and Master’s in Information Science at Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil. Business Management Technologist at Faculdade de Tecnologia (FATEC), Brazil.
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